Saturday, July 12, 2008


I am in southern California for three weeks to raise consciousness on the plight of the Haitian children, to raise funds and to thank our many supporters here. It is also a time to check in with my dermatologist and dentist (Ouch!). This is my fifth July here and the folks have always been very welcoming. Check in often as Paige, Hannah, Kevin, Dan... will be feeding me photos and stories. I ask for your prayers for the safety of the children while I am absent and that I may be successful in touching the hearts of people here. Thank you and God bless.

Saturday, July 5, 2008


One year old Francesca is cute as a button. Here she is being held by Maxime who assists us in medical cases.
Francesca has a hernia that requires surgery as you can see for yourself. Her family cannot afford this procedure and are asking for our help. This type of surgery usually costs around $150 or so barring any complications. Just heard from our Dokte DeSoi and she informs me that this is not all that unusual and that surgery should probably wait until Francesca is older. So, unless our little Francesca is in a lot of pain or has persistent vomiting, we will wait.

Water tank

Two shots of the water tank for the well-digging rig.
The tank was made by our welding team to fit on an old trailer we had and will be used for drilling wells.

Newbies on the farm

Two new little goats
Mama pig with a few of her ten piglets. Could not convince them to stand together.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Dry food distribution

One of our security staff, a beneficiary and the local, elected official.
Here was the scene yesterday when we distributed food to 200 families in the area.
USAID through their agent, Catholic Relief Services, will be providing dry food for 800 families living in our area. The folks come to our center and the distribution is made for a month. We provide the infrastructure (personnel and space) which is taxing but well, well worth it! The program will last a year. A huge thanks to the American people for this help.

H2H Update

Bebe, Jeff and Jeff sitting at their new tables and chairs
New closets offset by new paint
Exteriors are getting an updated coat of fresh paint.
Paige Orlowski, Coordinator of the Houses to Homes (H2H) Project reports that things are moving along nicely as houses are transformed into homes with the financial help of Cross International.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

On the edge

While waiting for the roof to cure (27 days) the guys have been working on the roof's edge. It's gonna look real purty when they are done.


What you see here is a longshot of a whole bunch of corn taken from our field. We let the corn dry out on the stalk, peel them right there in the field and throw them in a pile. The next step is to remove the kernels from the cob and then grind them up to make corn meal.