Friday, November 14, 2008


Last week two people (adults) died in the countryside not far from us. I was told that the reason they died was that they were so weak from poor nutrition that they could not fight off infection. One had malaria and the other had a respiratory infection. Clean drinking water is hard to find. Combine that with malnutrition and we have a health disaster in the making

I was in southern Florida earlier this week for a couple of meetings. The reason for these was the drop in donations on which we depend to help the children at risk in southern Haiti. The global economic crisis touches all of us and the poor are once again facing extreme hardship. We have more people coming to us than ever before for food and financial assistance. Our limited resources force us to turn them away. The word "sacrifice" has resurfaced in the media and many are rethinking their spending habits. We pray for you every morning and ask God to protect you. I ask that you remember the children here. May God bless all our efforts.

1 comment:

  1. We continue to read and pray and follow the story of the work there. Keep letting us know what is happening. I know my support for what you are doing will continue.

    Barb in New Mexico
