Thursday, March 10, 2016

Flurry of Activity!

We had an action packed week with Westside Presbyterian here! We had a team of doctors, who saw over 300 patients, including Espwa students, members of the community, and even students at Espwa's school in Camp Perrin. Thanks to their expertise and generosity they were able to provide the resources for much needed medication, and follow up care, such as scheduling sessions with an optometrist in town.

In addition, the group of students transitioning out of Espwa this year were able to benefit from the talented and insightful psychiatrist who was visiting with the group. He worked with them all week to discuss their anxieties and fears in anticipation of living outside of Espwa's gates.

Simultaneously, there was a team keeping the kids busy with tons of fun arts and crafts, ballet, and even a tea party! 

Last but not least, in addition to performing much needed maintenance on the kitchen's septic system and installing a new toilet and sink in the boys' village, Westside generously provided the funds and helped facilitate the installation of six solar lights in the boys village. With these lights, the boys now have light so they can safely play outside after dark or study for school, so they are not dependent on Haiti's inconsistent electricity.

Thank you all for sharing your incredible talents, energy, and love and for making Espwa an even better and more comfortable place for its children.

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