Wednesday, October 5, 2005

This is a long shot of the roof being poured this morning on one side of the school. Men ampil, chay pa lou. Translation: Many hands make for light work! We used about 75 bags of cement, a small hill of sand and lots of water. Labor intensive? You bet! Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

  1. You need the sound effects to get the full experience, reminds me of the Seven Dwarfs singing hi ho, hi ho it's off to work we go. The village ladies carried water from the well to the blue containers, the teens dumped the water in the trough with cement, gravel and dirt. Then they filled buckets and hoisted it hand over hand to the roof. From there into another bucket to be used to spread over the rooftop. Then the buckets were dropped to be refilled again and again. This same procedure took place from early morning until 4 o'clock. All this time singing and encouraging each other. These guys worked very hard and are very proud of their work. They accomplished so much in one day and now the second story can be started when the funding is available.
