Sunday, March 30, 2008

Productive week

This has been a roller-coaster kind of week. Met with a new friend and supporter who has agreed to sponsor our vocational training center; went to Port-au-Prince to celebrate Paige's birthday and to meet with four other non-profits in a new initiative to address the AIDS pandemic in Haiti [this is spearheaded by Cross International]; spoke with a deacon and his wife who are interested in joining our team here in Cayes; spent a lot of time preparing reports for my trip to the states which starts tomorrow. I'll be in Ft. Lauderdale, FL for one evening, Greensboro, NC for a week and Ridgewood, NJ for another. Will be back on the 14th of April and hopefully get back in the groove. So, thank you for your patience. Wish me well in my travels and success in my fundraising efforts.
Father Charlie is heading to the states as well to addresss a couple of health issues. Please keep him in your prayers so that he can make a full recovery. Be assured of our prayers of gratitude for your spiritual and financial support of the children.
Father Marc

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