Saturday, March 1, 2008

Dimanche Erlens (Lukson)

This is Erlens, nicknamed Lukson, who gave us quite a scare a few months back. He was scheduled for eye surgery (cataract) at the local ENT hospital but the surgeon refused to do the operation due to a heart condition. Long story short, we were ready to send him stateside for heart surgery but the cardiologist in the states gave him a clean bill of health. Lukson and we were relieved --to say the least. I saw him this morning and he was downcast so I asked him what was going on. He said that his mother had to go before a judge yesterday and that he had given her two days to come up with rent money or she would have to leave the small house she has been renting. Lukson's father abandoned the small family years ago. His mother had a small business selling essential food stuff like canned milk, magi, vegetable oil. Increased prices chased her clients away and her little business folded. She has no way to pay the rent and no where to go. This is sad but what is worse is that Lukson is expected to help her find the money for the rent. He's only 12 and should be still enjoying his childhood. If we could, we'd hire his mother to avoid outright charity. Unfortunately, we are not in a position to do that. Please keep Lukson, his mother and Bilande, his younger sister, in your prayers. The rent is $270 for a year, just in case you were wondering.

1 comment:

  1. I can commit to helping out for the full $270. I can donate $135 in two payments and have my company match the other half.
