Sunday, April 25, 2010

Photo: Duckens Douillon

Duckens got some new sunglasses this morning and insisted I take his photo.  I got the exposure all wrong but he loved the photo and asked that I share it with you.  It kinda looks like an advert for sunglasses in a fancy style mag, non? 


  1. It sure does. In fact, when I first saw it, I was wondering where you got the white background and dramatic side lighting. I thought you had a pro photog drop by. Cool shot.

  2. If ever you want to quit your job as Father Marc at Espwa then you should definitely work at being a professional photographer. I have been meaning to tell you this for a very long time because you are good. However, I doubt it will ever happen - hope not anyway.

  3. Hmmm, maybe we should start selling your photos to support Espwa? You really have some great subjects, beautiful nature and intriguing models.

  4. Cool shades, great model.
    Blessed Be, Jean K

  5. Tell my godson that he is strikingly gorgeous!

  6. Thanks for sharing this photo with us. Very cool photo!

  7. I agree, you should sell these wonderful portraits to support your project. Make it into a special book or calendar or something.
