Friday, February 19, 2010


Well, shut my mouth! Or-- better late than never!  Or-- talk about perfect timing!

Are you sitting down?  This is just too freaky.  Had some "visitors" today asking questions.  One was a UNICEF person who was accompanying the local Social Welfare guy who is a friend of ours.  We've worked with each other a long time. When I heard that the lady was from UNICEF I wondered if my blog had found its way to the big NGO land.  Naw, too quick.  At the end of the "visit" she asked if we needed any tents and I mean tents like the kind for wedding receptions.  I said yes and we should be getting three tents soon.  I'll let you know when (if) they arrive.
So what I said yesterday was true but I won't be able to say it again once those tents arrive.  Hmmm?  I will not look a gift horse in the mouth. 


  1. How many weddings will it take to feed the kids? What a disappointment. I'm finding it difficult to get our views known in the media, but I'll not stop trying.
    Blessed Be
    Jean K

  2. I hope this will open the door for further assistance from them. Huge tents are wonderful. There are so many families living under sheets. I'm certain they can be well utilized.

  3. Food is what is needed. Project Hope (Pwoje Espwa) has been trying to feed double the amount of people since the earthquake with no assistance from the so called relief organizations. Many donations are being wasted. Check with Father Marc at
    Blessed Be
    Jean K

  4. Fr. Marc, UNICEF should be cutting you a check every month!!

    What Haiti really needs is for the world to support Haiti instead of using Haiti for it's ends.

  5. Any news of your boat, stuck in Miami? That's nice about the tents...with that many kids, I'm sure they will come in handy during the rainy season. I hope you get food soon!

  6. At least I did not send that email to my sister et al, when I investigated that it was the UN Sec-Gen, John Holmes, that was giving a rosy picture; they are looking for another $1.5 billion more from the public. UNICEF is not the UN. Everything changes with the person; one cannot generalize. People are human beings...depends on who God sends. He did answer. I've seen these huge tents in the media...they are great as people can move inside them. Rains are coming.

  7. Dear Fr. Marc,

    I am so glad you are being offered tents. I had so hoped to help you by finding tents to send to you from around here. Let's hope they arrive soon!

    God bless you and the children!
