Thursday, April 21, 2005

Prayers needed

A couple of days ago, Aurel Phanor lost consciousness and fell on the pavement near our washing area. It took a few minutes to get him to come around and he was disoriented and confused. Brought him to the hospital where all they could do was get him set up for various tests the following day, yesterday. The results from those tests showed that he has tuberculosis and that he has had it quite a while. The doctor said that Aurel's left lung is beyond repair and that the liquid in that lung had displaced Aurel's heart to the point that Aurel has chest pains. Doc said that he has suffered lots of pain for at least two months. Poor kid! Aurel is one of my brighest- always first in his class. He is quiet and reserved with an easy smile. He's also my best juggler and our "spektak" coordinator. Seems he has had a low grade fever for quite a while, has gently complained of chest pain and loss of appetite but no one saw the signs. Please add your prayers to mine and the kids' for Aurel. Our medical director, Dr. Cynthia DeSoi, has started a TB prevention program and Aurel's case proves how important that is here.


  1. Let Aurel know that my prayers and the prayers of my family have been added to yours and the kids. We pray for a speedy recovery.

  2. Hope Aurel is recovering
    Know how hard it is

    Stay focused
    We are all praying for you

    Tough road
    Just remember to take your medicine & do whatever else the Dr recommends

    See you in the fall

