Two months ago I was walking the grounds of Castel-Pere when along came this little guy. He asked if I was Father Marc and I said "Yes". He queried. "You're the man in charge?" "That's right."- I responded. "We need to talk." is what he said next and proceeded to tell me why we had to make room for him in Pwoje Espwa. That's how I met seven-year old Franco and how he became part of our family here.
Stay informed, stay involved: here's one way of keeping up with what's happening in southern Haiti. Please consider supporting our mission to save orphans and vulnerable children from desperate poverty; contributions can be sent to our partners at Free the Kids - Thank you for your help.
Sunday, April 8, 2007
Two months ago I was walking the grounds of Castel-Pere when along came this little guy. He asked if I was Father Marc and I said "Yes". He queried. "You're the man in charge?" "That's right."- I responded. "We need to talk." is what he said next and proceeded to tell me why we had to make room for him in Pwoje Espwa. That's how I met seven-year old Franco and how he became part of our family here.
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He must be very persuasive and confident-- let's get him out there to fund-raise for us!