Thursday, June 14, 2007

Daily requests

I just received a typed letter from one of the older boys. He is an apprentice carpenter. Here it is translated:
Dear Father,
How are you, your health, your work? Before I go any further I want to thank you very, very much for all you do for me. I am old enough to realize how much you do for me, how much affection you have for me. There is no one else who helps me, just you. Thank you very much, Father.

Father, I have to share some bad news with you which is very sad. Every day an invisible flow of water falls from my eyes because I cannot help my mother and younger brother. I am the oldest in the family and I should help them. I have nothing to give them and, now, they are being evicted from the room that my mother rented and have no money and no place to go. I am very ashamed of myself. If you saw where my mother lives you would cry, too. I know that money is hard to find and that I should not ask but I cannot not do something. Father, please, please, help my mother. I have found a place for her and my brother but it costs $700 Haitian. Thank you very much, dear Father, I have every confidence in you.
Your son,
Every single day we receive letters, notes, or direct demands from the children of Espwa. Every single day people come to our gates both here and at Castel-Pere and beg for help. We help when we can but we often have to say "No, sorry." cause there just isn't enough money. $700 Haitian is one hundred dollars American. If you can spare it, please send a check to Jack, my brother-in-law, who will forward the money here electronically. Help me say "Yes" more often. Thanks.

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