Thursday, January 21, 2010

Anxiety, fear and outrage

The frustration, tension, fear and outrage are all evident in the faces of the people we see in town and here in the village. Hope has taken a back seat as tremors continue to remind everyone how very fragile life is and how helpless we are. Lack of fuel and shortage of food are causing massive price hikes when most people have nothing or very little. There's a feeling of panic in the air. Some missionaries and political figures are fanning the flame of this crushing fear pushing their agendas on a very susceptible population. While it is true that medicine, food and fuel are urgently needed, the people need to have hope. We at Pwoje Espwa Sud stand on twelve years of walking with the people, of singing and dancing with them, of crying for losses and rejoicing at successes. Though we are capable of temporary assistance (charity) as we are doing now at the prison, we are committed to being with the people for the long haul.
In a meeting this morning with key staff we discussed how best to welcome the 100 or so orphans coming to us from Leogane. We all agreed that the most important thing we have to offer the children is faithful caring. To do this, we need your invaluable spiritual and financial support. Thank you to all who have prayed and donated to help us in our work. I promise you our daily prayers of gratitude.


  1. We back here in the states wish we were there to help. The Haitain people and their plight are in our thoughts and prayers. The children that are coming to join our family are also in our prayers. Please know we will not forget you.
    God Bless
    Rita Hunter

  2. We are lifting all of you up in prayer. Stay strong.
    Sue Valiton
