Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Earth Bag House

Can you tell I'm proud of the work our guys are doing with the Earth Bag House? The metal roof should be finished today. Hope so cause the dark clouds are rolling in as I write this. It will have a composting toilet (see and running water once we get the well dug and we buy a pump and a cistern.


  1. I love the Earth Bag House! I have been watching the progress through your blog.At first I was skeptical but now I am truely impressed. The people involved in its construction should be proud. I am also looking foward to working with all of you.
    Best wishes,
    Kevin Scobie

  2. Looks great...seems well-thought out.

  3. To: Kevin S.
    Hey Bro Miss Ya have we lost communion-ication?
    Terry Lee Oct 10,2007
    P.S. My birthday is tomorrow

  4. Fr. Marc,

    I was just curious how this roof was constructed. I'm working on a similar project and am curious if this roof is at all load bearing and how the building did in the earthquake. Thanks for your help.


    DAAP Architecture
    University of Cincinnati
    Orange Tree Atelier

    P.S. Replies can be posted as a comment or sent to
