Wednesday, June 14, 2017

The Happiest Place on Earth

Emily Dabrowski was an extremely passionate young woman whose love for Pwoje Espwa grew with every visit here. Emily planned to work at Pwoje Espwa once finishing college and would beg her parents to come visit as often as she could. She passed suddenly earlier this year, which shocked her family and friends as well as everyone in the Espwa community. She was full of light and life and was loved deeply by many.

This past week Emily’s mother, Diane, came down to Pwoje Espwa for the first time. In her time here, she reconnected with her daughter and began to see the beauty that Emily would rave about when she returned home after every trip.

In Mass last Sunday, Diane gave a beautiful speech to the children about the importance of loving and caring for one another. She then gifted Espwa a painting of Emily that was created by some of Emily’s friends back home in the United States.

In return, Pwoje Espwa gave her a piece of metalwork made by a former Espwa child. The sign states, “The Happiest Place on Earth” which is the phrase Emily used to describe Pwoje Espwa.

These beautiful moments remind us of the beautiful family-like relationships that Pwoje Espwa fosters. We will all continue to carry Emily and her joy of life in our hearts.

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