Monday, January 2, 2006


Went to the village/farm this morning as usual. Saw Matante and she asked me if I knew that five boys had snuck into the community at Castel-Pere. What? Here's the story:
On Saturday, New year's Eve, the children of Castel-Pere put on a show, a spektak, and invited the staff and folks who help us like Sr. Evelyn of Hospital Brenda who brought three guests, Sr. Anthony who brought a truckload of children from laCharite, and Father Alfred of the Procure who brought a visiting American. As most of our vehicles are down and out right now the guests offered rides to us here at laMadonne. Included were five boys from La Creole who come here to eat every day and can't wait to be living at C-P. They hitched a ride with Sr. Evelyn and somehow stayed behind after the show. Sunday morning at Mass Matante noticed the new kids but thought they had come with me from town. When she saw them late yesterday afternoon still at Castel-Pere she realized what was going on. I brought them back with me this morning. In time they will become members of Espwa at C-P. Says alot about the misery these children live with and how they perceive the village/farm at C-P!!


  1. Vilaj Espwa at Castel-Pere looks like paradise! Space to run around and play, friends to play with, 3 meals a day, beds -- comfort and safety (and someone who cares)-- what more can any kid ask for?

  2. It's amazing to realize that all the kids want to be with you

    The only semblance of a real home

    Says a lot for all you are doing --
    even those w/ a parent want to be with you

    The Vilaj is the country,
    your dream for the kids--

  3. so cute - stowaways!
