Saturday, May 2, 2015

Next Steps for Espwa's Older Students

Espwa has helped hundreds and hundreds of children in its 18 years of existence, and many of those cute little guys have now grown up to be bright young adults. Espwa is taking action to help these older boys who are legally "adults" enter the world beyond our gates. Espwa directors have thoughtfully put together a transition plan that involves gradually granting independence to these older students, while still serving as a safety net for them should they need it. As these students find their own housing outside of the Project, Espwa will continue to pay for the students' education for the next two years, whether they choose to continue with classical school or pursue vocational training. There will be regular meetings with the students, to check in, receive feedback, and ensure they are safe and healthy. Entering the "real world" of Haiti is daunting, but it is a reality our young men need to face. We are committed to helping these students become independent, self-sufficient, productive members of society and we hope they will use the values Espwa has instilled in them over the years to better their communities and country as they venture out. 

Please keep our young men who are transitioning out of Espwa in your prayers. Your spiritual and financial support are essential to the success of this program. Thank you very much. 

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